another ‘haps
keeping with the trend, here’s a molly…
with the canson paper, sometimes the color choice works with you, sometimes… not so much. a lighter blue would’ve been a lot easier… maybe i’ll do another. we’ll see … (gotta get the others done at some point, too) ) *fyi – these two canson ‘haps pieces are for sale over at …
work is moving along nicely on the new project, as well as some side stuff and commissions. got the pin-up in from ted mckeever (!) for the “second chance trade”… wow! (i’m sure todd’ll start posting these in a few weeks)
also got in the revised pie story pages from rico (seeing as how it’s not on newsprint this time, he was able to do a lot more subtle – and beautiful – stuff)
man, the more i see from jeff smith’s blog, the more i can’t WAIT for his shazam! book (the new series from winick and porter… well, i love the art… and i’ll leave it at that…)
so, battlestar galactica and rome last night… two of the best dramas on tv (now, thursday and sunday are far and away the best nights of television… but now that i think of it, monday ain’t too shabby either, with the guilty pleasure of prison break, then 24 and heroes -woohoo, tivo! – and studio 60 – when it’s not too preachy, it’s great tv… liberal, but great and witty tv )
when did dumping on john byrne become a status of a “cool” comic reader? i may not agree with him on a LOT of things, but damn, the man is a legend, and still producing some of the most powerful art today (too bad it’s not in a monthly book… but some those commissions he does are amazing… like keep telling todd, “someday, someday we’ll get a byrne perhapa-pinup… someday.”)… eh, kids today.
okay, back to work.
what i’m listening to as i type this… mojo box – southern culture on the skids