so, after all these months, another of the big projects i did for dc creative services is finally out… happy meal stuff!
yup, if you head over to your local mcdonald’s and get a boy’s happy meal (since girls clearly don’t like comic book stuff… ) you’ll get one of 8 legion pvc figures (no girls, remember… ’cause boys probably think saturn girl’s yucky) – packed in a wrap-around clamshell case with a trading card… with art by yours truly.
not much more to say except it was a fun gig (although, ironically, i ended up doing most of the job with supersize me running repeatedly on msnbc)… and its probably gonna be the most exposure my work’s ever gotten (even if i didn’t sign’m)…
here’s the art for the 2 i managed to get the other day …

and the baltimore show is creeping up pretty quickly, eh? should have the new ‘haps convention special done soon… as well as my new sketchbookS! (that’s right, BOOKS… not one, but TWO more canson volumes are gonna debut in baltimore… and quite possibly a new b/w volume)…

i’m sure there’s more (like the sox, tv, etc) but i’ve got stuff to do…
well, back to work!