so, this one’s for nick, who was kind enough to snag me one of the hellboy prints mike mignola had for sale at wondercon last weekend..

other random bits –
-feedback has been pretty good on the ‘haps annual (now at image!) so far… and i think folks’ll dig the on-going as well…
-speaking of which, i’m working hard on wrapping up issue 1 and and jumping onto 2 (and a few other ‘haps things we’ll announce when the time is right)
-got a few fun discussions going about dream cover artists and possible drawing jam over at the ‘haps board
-starting to line up some great guest cover and/or back up story artists for upcoming issues (who may or may not be on that list)
-a few folks had asked… the harry potter/ron/hermoine canson pieces are up for sale (as a set) over at serendipity art sales (almost done listening to the deathly hallows – think voldemort is gonna have to be next in the series of sketches) … oh, and the x-men-first class art’ll be up there when the book is released next month!
-on a COMPLETELY unrelated note, i’m still appalled by a telemarker, who called (on a sunday afternoon, no less) to get me to renew a magazine subscription… when i politely interrupted and told her i still had over TWO YEARS on my current subscription, she snidely snapped “well, thanks for at least listening to what i had to say” … before hanging up… when did this become acceptable? no wonder i don’t answer out of area” calls any more… sheesh.
okay, back to work before i haveta pick up the boy at school!