craig rousseau
draws comics
about craig
i draw comics and other things. over the last 20 plus years or so, i’ve drawn a LOT of books for several publishers… here’s the list.
what i’m “reading” these days SKELETON CREW – stephen king
what i’m listening to these days THE NIGHT THE ZOMBIES CAME – pixies, 1967- VACATIONS IN THE PAST – robyn hitchcock, MOON MIRROR – nada surf, INDOOR SAFARI – nick lowe and los straitjackets
what i’m watching/rewatching these days – skeleton crew, brooklyn nine-nine, doctor who
… blah-g.
… newsletter?
with social media becoming more and more fractured and “pay to play” exposure, i’m considering a “not even close to regular” newsletter… (or at the very least, piggybacking on the perhapanauts newsletter we send out…) to announce stuff like THE HERCULOIDS, more PERHAPANAUTS kickstarters, my patreon and more… not sure anyone even sees these updates […]
rose city and baltimore up next!
had a great time in boston with wicked comic con (and even got to go see jonathan coulton with todd, randy and the boy)… next up, rose city comic con in portland, or. (and turns out MIKE MIGNOLA will be a guest, so yes, sure to bring your YOUNG HELLBOY books… or buy’m from me) […]
2025 and beyond convention and signing schedule…
wicked comic con 19 april boston, ma
heroescon 20-22 june charlotte, nc
tidewater comic con 28-29 june virginia beach, va
comic con nebraska 2-3 august omaha, ne
granite state comicon 19-21 september manchester, nh
baltimore comic con 17-19 october baltimore, md