busy with… stuff (like this samurai jack cover)
okay, clearly it’s been a few days since my last post… wrapped up my last convention of the year in portland, maine this past weekend… and busy working on things… which i can’t really announce yet.
i HAVE been updating the Facebook page with plenty of art updates, and need to get better about coming here as well…
updated the art for sale section with several new sketch covers, original cover art from IDW’s samurai jack and powerpuff girls, several more marvel superheroes magazine covers, batman beyond and batman ’66 pinups…
kyrra is now on comixology! chapter 2 just went live (and should be on a monthly schedule at this point)… chapter 5 is getting all colored up and should be on artist alley comics in a few weeks (if you can’t stand the wait!)
we should have the perhapanauts: danger down under! trade all ready to go for a january release… todd and i are working on some fun ‘haps related things to be coming your way in the near (and not so near) future…
over at the perhapanauts webstore, for the rest of november we’re having a $10 t-shirt blowout! (well, jersey devil is $15 and $5 goes to red cross donation) hoping to clear out the (rapidly dwindling) remaining stock to make way for new shirts in 2014…
geez, see what waiting a few months to post gets? okay, back to work…