assembled… and now in color!

year in, year out, heroescon in charlotte is my favorite comic convention (with baltimore edging ever so close… if only it were three days )… had a great show, met and talked with plenty of friends and colleagues, old and new (you ALL know who you are)…

didn’t get a chance to have a copy in color for the show or auction, but lawrence basso (who’s gonna be doing the “kyrra” project down the road) knocked this one out of the park…

speaking of projects, hoping to get the ball rolling on “kyrra” soon, but still have plenty of ‘haps in the pipeline (finishing up the next arc, getting the (first?) motion comic underway) as well as the “jim henson’s storyteller “story to wrap up (but i did manage to get through the last big gig, which, with any luck, will lead to more down the road)…
