so, i was inspired to this one by matt’s super sweet etrigan he did a while back… (and the omnibus he and squeeze got me for x-mas… thanks again, guys!)…
not much new to report, still getting back into the swing after NYC, trying to get some pages finished on the next cap story so i can fit something else in for marvel before the next one… (this 4 month gap between issues is working out well! as soon as i can spill on what’s on tap, i will)
signed off on the proofs for the first image haps trade today, so it’s coming (and so is issue 6 as soon as i finish a few pages on my story… scott and leanne and todd and jason are waiting on me… good thing it’s my name over the title or i’d be outta work)
only a few episodes of BSG left, can’t wait to see how it all wraps up.
Jon McNally
February 27, 2009 @ 9:06 pm
I love the way the cape colors sit on that background. Nice work, sir.
Craig Zablo
February 27, 2009 @ 9:38 pm
That is NIZE!
February 27, 2009 @ 10:46 pm
I saw this one in person down in NYC and the picture does not do the colors justice. This bad boy is gorgeous.
Issue 6 just a few pages away and a new trade too, Yipeeeee!
On the TV front, really digging Lost this year as I think the show has returned to first season form.
I’ve watched the first two episodes of “Dollhouse” and while I liked the second episode better than the first, if it was anyone beside Dushku and Whedon, I’m not sure I would have tuned in or would still be watching. The parts of the show featuring Dushku with her imprinted personality have been interesting, but the “Dollhouse” framing device is not working that well for me. I think this would have worked better with more of an “Alias” approach where Dushku is a highly trained agent impersonating people.
February 28, 2009 @ 1:21 pm
better be carefuk though, it is “Todd and Craig’s” which could someday be changed to “Todd and someone else’s”
February 28, 2009 @ 1:23 pm
I agree on LOST and BSG is still THE Friday night show.!
BYW, I bought that Etrigan piece in NYC!
craig rousseau
February 28, 2009 @ 4:12 pm
hey, mark –
that was you?! you should’ve said something! i was hoping to bump into you at the show and talk face to face…
i read a comment about this week’s BSG being slow and a filler… and i couldn’t disagree more… damn, it’s the home stretch and looking awfully bleak!
March 1, 2009 @ 3:18 am
Hey Craig,
That was a nutty show and you looked like your were very busy. Sorry if I missed my queue. Glad to hear that your show was good. We spoke with a couple publishers and one rep who liked our project. I hope to try and hit the Boston show coming up in April, maybe we can set aside some time if you’re going.
March 1, 2009 @ 3:20 am
And nothing beats Chief Tyrol’s expression when he found out that you-know-who took you-know who’s child…what a great series.
Dolhouse…got a little better with episode 2, but I give it a couple more before I’m sold and then Fox screws it up and it gets cancelled.
I’m liking Fringe, but it’s schedule is sporadic. As for the Oceanic 6, getting better. There is a special place in Hell for Benjamin Linus.
March 1, 2009 @ 5:54 am
Mr. Craig Rousseau, the section “Contact me” does not seem to work, and I need to get in contact with you. No hurries.
Matt Wieringo
March 5, 2009 @ 1:18 am
Still love it! Did you see Etrigan’s appearance on BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD? Awwwwesome!
March 10, 2009 @ 2:56 am
Fantastic Etrigan there Craig! I stopped watching BSG after I think season 2… just wasn’t catching it enough to keep up with it. Maybe once it’s done I can rent the series. My pal says I don’t know what I’ve been missing. Although I have been watching Burn Notice. A quick sketch of the 3 stars from that would be cool. You can’t go wrng with a series if Bruce Campbell is in it.