another old one…

not much to report, putting the finishing touches on my last pages of the cap story, working on getting stuff together for the haps trade and issue 6 (you DID pick up issue 5 wednesday, right?)

really looking forward to both friday night lights and battlestar galactica (nerd alert – set your dvrs to record a few minutes extra on bsg... or so i’ve read)
oh, and this art is just another old painting of the beast i did back in 95 (i had done some x-men samples at the time as well, i gotta scan’m) … REALLY wish i had the time to get back to this kinda stuff… i’d LOVE to do a painted haps cover down the road… oddly, in getting touch with old friends on facebook recently, everybody’s telling me they got old drawings i did way back when… and i just cringe (heck, even the dark horse stuff makes me cringe at times)… i think i’ve got maybe 3 pre-college drawings around…