new years 98…
so, knowing i was gonna miss getting christmas cards out BY christmas, i went for the extra week and did a new year’s card ( and it should come as no surprise to anyone that the quote inside was wishing folks one helluva new year… )…
and the latest marvel solicitations are on-line, and wouldn’t ya know, they’re doing a hardcover collection of the spider-man loves mary jane (i’ve posted the direct market cover here… the “regular” one features the art from the cover of #1 along with terry’s name in HUGE letters … you’ll be hard pressed to miss it )… looks like it’s a plain ol’ “premiere edition” which means no extras or bonus stuff…
okay, back to work, hear we might be in for some snow this weekend!
-c (awfully disappointed that pushing daisies only has a few more episodes left…)
December 19, 2008 @ 3:42 am
Baby new year never looked so hip.
Congrats on getting the hardcover treatment with Spidey Love MJ, Craig. Too bad there won’t be any extras as I always enjoy a peek behind the creative curtain.
As for snow, we are supposed to get 6″ to 12″ up my way, though it is supposed to be light and fluffy.
December 20, 2008 @ 2:15 pm
You know what, I’m about the last person I know who would get a tatoo, not county mom and dad, but if I were to get one, your devilish baby new year would be it.
He freak’n rocks.
December 21, 2008 @ 3:58 pm
We got about 6-8 inches Friday and Saturday and here it’s Sunday and we’re getting at least another 6 more inches. As for the Mary Jane book, I feel that even though Terry Moore might be the bigger, well known name, the artist is also a co-creator and his/her name should be of equal size.
My 2 cents
January 9, 2009 @ 4:32 am
Had just got into Pushing Daisies when I heard that it got cancelled. DAMMIT!