brand new day

feels like we’re watching history unfolding before our eyes and it’s pretty amazing… here’s hoping president elect obama can start to set this nation back on track (but it certainly won’t be easy, with the economic turmoil and unpopular wars… and just a bit of extra pressure being the first black president and all).

so, getting ready to head out tomorrow to wizard world texas … i’ll be in a few panels and signings throughout the weekend, as well as in artist alley  booth 2720b… if you’re there, swing on by and say “hey!”
so, since i’m short on time, let’s cut to the chase… here’s a piece i did for an article in the umass dartmouth alumni magazine about a few of us who got into comics (me, bob almond, dave tata, norman lee and bettina kurkoski)… 
back to work!
forgot to mention… even with all the election hullaballoo, i did manage to watch the shield on tivo… holy crap! talk about feeling the noose tightening… only 3 (!?!) more episodes left.