catching up…

well, figured it’s been a while and wanted to post something…

on the work front, issue 2 of spidey loves mary jane is all wrapped up and working hard on issue 3… (in an amusing – to me, anyway- press release about an alternate cover to #1 by adrian alphona – who was the artist originally lined up for this book – i’m a “rising star”… who knew?)

issue 4 of the haps is well underway – issue 3 should hit shops THIS week …

the dc licensing job i’ve had lined up for months is all done (phew – not that most folks’ll see it… it’s a custom justice league (animated style) comic for conedison – a NY power company – to hand out to kids in the NY school system about energy conservation and the like…)

wading my way through commissions (and sketches that didn’t get done in charlotte)… here’s a canson piece that took some time to get done…

so, besides work, saw hellboy 2 the other night (wow, great looking film… quite a departure from the first, storywise, but a lot of fun… can easily see why guillermo is a perfect fit for the hobbit movie next)…

went to mccoy stadium in pawtucket last night to see the mighty mighty bosstones and the dropkick murphy (great sets… but pretty bad sound for both bands)…

catching up on mad men on dvd in time for the premiere of season 2 later this month…

i’m sure there’s more, but i’ve got work to do (clearly!)…

up next, more dark knight min comic stuff!
