my how time flies!

been almost a month with no posts… you’d think i’ve been busy or something…

so, as y’all know, todd and i are hard at work on the just relaunched perhapanauts over at image… response has been great so far (we sold out of all the books we brought to the nyc convention last month and had folks clamoring for more), issue 2 is at the printer, 3 is well underway…

but besides all the work going into the production of the ‘haps, i’ve also been spending just as much time on my other project, which was announced at that nyc show as well… i’m drawing (pencils and inks) the new, terry moore scripted run on spider-man loves mary jane! issue 1 is gonna be wrapped before i head to seattle for the emerald city convention this weekend… and then straight onto number 2 (all the while keeping the ‘haps moving along as well)…

commissions are still in the queue and hope to get to the last few waiting real soon.

i did get the chance to run out and see iron man the other night… loved it. thought it hit all the right notes and the cast was great. easily one of the best superhero movies i’ve seen.

as for tv, can’t believe we’re in the home stretch for the “regular” season – battlestar galactica and lost have REALLY gotten a sense of urgency now that there’s a definite end planned -which makes for great tv. still enjoying the nbc comedy block (milf island on 30 rock? priceless.)

okay, back to work!

oh, since you’ve been so patient, here’s some new art… the “not quie final but you get the idea” cover to haps 5…