more potter!

okay, besides getting ready for the holidays, i’ve been working away on both the x-men first class story and finishing up the haps annual… and with the tv writers strike (and usual holiday lull in new shows) i’ve found myself turning off the tv and listening to music (without even seeing the movie, i got the soundtrack to “walk hard” and got a big kick out of it ) and audiobooks – and finally finished listening to “�harry potter and the goblet of fire” – man, i’m just amazed at how well all of these books fit together – now, onto “order of the phoenix”…

in my few free moments before crashing at night, i got back to doing a few more character pieces, this time harry and ron (while my take on harry was pretty easy to get down, ron went through a few different sketches…)

still have a few i wanna do at some point (but who knows when i’ll get to’m – like hagrid, ginnie, mad eye, sirius and voldemort, and maybe even a few others)… but here’s the whole set so far!

alright, off to get the boy at school – if i don’t get back to you before then, merry christmas (to those who celebrate it..) and happy holidays!
