wonder woman day 07
let’s get the sox outta the way first, shall we?
wow. great game… beckett really came through. let’s hope dice-k has a good outing on friday with some decent run support.
okay, onto the rest of the post…
here’s a fun 11×17 canson piece i did for this year’s wonder woman day, organized by andy mangels out in portland, or. as a benefit for domestic violence shelters on 28 october 2007. check out http://www.wonderwomanmuseum.com for a full rundown and all the other art donated for auction this year (and see last year’s contributions as well).
okay, back to work. (ooooh, new office and my name is earl tonight… and the return of 30 rock!)
October 4, 2007 @ 5:57 pm
Wow. Love the shading on WW. Plus, the heavy black outline coupled with the white makes her pop like nobody’s bidness. Kudos, Craig.
My pop in-law is pleased with the Red Sox result, but my pop is none too happy about his Cubbies last night.
Bill Nolan
October 4, 2007 @ 8:14 pm
Best Canson Piece Ever!
October 4, 2007 @ 8:49 pm
Great WW. Love that you went with the retro outfit.
Becks was the man. THAT, my friend, is what a number one starter looks like.
I share your hopes for Dice-K and the bats. As good as his last outing was, if there’s one thing we learned this year, it is that Dice-K’s last start doesn’t have a lot to do with his next start.
Heywood Jablomie
October 4, 2007 @ 9:06 pm
Nice WW C! I like the look a lot. Man you gots talent!
Matt Wieringo
October 5, 2007 @ 1:48 am
You can always tell when an artist is having fun and you, sir, must have been having a ball. This is one of your best ever.
October 6, 2007 @ 11:06 am
Well, Dice-K struggled, but kept them in the game, the bullpen was lights out and Manny was Papi.
Outside of doing it to clinch a series, the only thing that makes a walk off home run sweetier is doing it after they intentionally walk the guy in front of you to get to you. Not that you can blame Scioscia for walking him (4 times) after what Big Papi did to him in ’04, but like Papa Jack used to say, “Someone’s gonna’ pay.”
Let’s go Schill.
October 8, 2007 @ 1:03 am
Sweet Minerva! What a cool looking Wonder Woman. I dig those canson pieces a lot… the shading is top notch on this one!
I have no comments on the Sox since I don’t follow baseball. I just always hope they win.
October 8, 2007 @ 2:25 am
SWEEP!!! Now we have 4 days off to rest and prepare for…TBD! Seems Cleveland couldn’t handle the Yankees tonight so Game four is on!
October 8, 2007 @ 2:32 am
the canson pieces are great — Colored pencils correct?
October 9, 2007 @ 11:15 am
Cleveland vs. Boston, Friday Night. Be there.
Meanwhile, the Pats and the Cowboys both struggled this week. For the Pats that meant winning by only 17 points and a game that never felt in doubt. For the Cowboys, it meant having to recover an onsides kick and make a last second 52 yard field goal . . . twice. I’m feeling a lot better about going down to big D on Sunday.
Neil Hill
October 9, 2007 @ 3:36 pm
Great commission piece, Craig! WW never looked so good!
October 9, 2007 @ 5:07 pm
Nice WW, Craig! Like the white outlines going past the edges of the contour, adds an nice energy to the piece. And I’m glad the skirt has come back in vogue, a much classier look for the Amazing Amazon.
Good luck to the Sox against Cleveland, looks to be a great series.