red sox win the world series!

wow, twice in four years… sweet.

and i’ll tell ya, until i saw them start playing the way they played those last 3 games in cleveland, i wasn’t sure they had what it took. BUT the bats came to life (and not just manny and ortiz…) and everybody came through in flying colors.

and let’s not forget the pats 8-0 record (that game was thing of beauty… crazy how good they are… should be a good game against the colts)

let’s see, besides all the sports talk, i’ve been crazy busy with that dc licensing stuff and that oz story… among other things that’ll be announced soon, i’m sure. had a good time at the boston convention last weekend (and a great zuni roll at the parish cafe with trish and friends ta boot!) and stopped by umass dartmouth to talk to the illustration class about drawing funnybooks…

so, onto the art post of this post… here’s another supergirl commission…