october already?!

wow, so even after letting the 12 game lead slip, the sox ended the regular season on top of the a.l. east (and tied with the indians for the best record in baseball…!) strange stuff… should make for an interesting october.

and how ’bout them pats? wow.

and let’s not forget the new fall tv season (enjoying chuck and reaper, haven’t gotten to bionic woman on tivo yet … heroes again seems to be falling back on old comic book cliches, but i’ll keep watching… the office was pretty darn good – now with more creed and toby!)

work’s been busy with lotsa fun stuff that i can’t quite talk about yet, but should have news to announce soon…!

unfortunately, had to cancel my appearance at the nashua, nh comic show in october due to family commitments, but i’m still planning on making it up to the boston show the following week …

and now, another commission…
