baltimore and the lost covers!

okay, i’m sure most of you folks have been reading todd’s blog (you HAVE, haven’t you? you do realize there’s a link just over on the right… right?) so you know all about the “lost covers” portfolio… if for some bizarre reason, you’re not, here’s the skinny –

todd and i have come with a sweet little package of 5 “lost” covers for the haps along with the letters pages to go along with’m…
this full-color high quality print set (thanks, rico) will be limited to only 50 copies… and on sale at the baltimore show! (if we have any left, we’ll be selling’m on-line at some point)…

and since todd’s already shown the cover for issue 36, here’s another one for ya… issue 17! (todd told me i should post the prelims… but i realized i don’t have any for this one…)

commissions are finally back on track after a slight detour into topps “heroes” sketch cards (funs stuff… but likenesses aren’t my strong suit, so…i’ll post a few of the better ones to show y’all – once i get approval, that is )… i’ll be bringing a few cansons this weekend that folks have patiently been waiting for (gwen stacy! hula chickee! star girl! and more!) and should get though the rest after i get back from maryland…

…where we’ll be seeing the first place (!?!) red sox play the orioles friday night…

and if you’ve read todd’s blog, you’ll know that this show will be awfully different (and a bit empiter) without ‘ringo, but we’ll all be doing our best to celebrate his career… and more importantly, celebrate his life.

alright… if i don’t post again before i go, i’ll see some of you in baltimore…
