
had a great time in baltimore… saw a sox game on friday night, met lots of great fans, sold a slew of sketchbooks and ‘haps lost covers portfolios (both will be available on line real soon…!) as well as got to spend time with old (and new) friends…

todd and i had our better halves with us this time, and both trish and sharon had fun as well (when not getting stopped by baltimore’s finest for not leaving a proper tip – all said and done, we had left about a 15% tip as opposed to the stated 20% after a less than stellar dining (and restaurant staff) experience… but it worked out okay in the end – so, folks, remember to double check your menus for “gratuities added for parties of six or more” (which wasn’t on this restaurant’s menu), and also that a “gratuity” is not a “service charge”, which isn’t disputable)… which is funny, since we think nothing of tipping 20-25% for good service… oh, well, certainly makes for a good con story, i suppose…

the weekend was dedicated to the memory of ‘ringo (including raising money for the humane society (or aspcsa… i keep getting’m mixed up) a great night of billiards with fellow creators and friends)…

here’s a coupla commissions i did for folks before the show…
