they might be awesome!
so, while quite a few folks were out at the biggest comic convention (in the u.s.) of the year, trish and i went with the kids down to cape cod… after a fun day at the beach and dinner with the family, we were able to get the kids to bed at the in-law’s and head out to see they might be giants!
of all the tmbg shows i’ve been to (and believe me, i’ve been to a few), i’d rank this one as one of the most fun… great mix of new and old stuff, fun place and crowd (we’ve been lucky enough to see bob mould and frank black down at the beachcomber as well)…
besides that, commissions have been keeping me pretty busy (as well as work on some new haps stuff!)… here’s another hellboy (this time with wolverine)…
tv’s been slow (but luckily, hbo is keeping me entertained with john from cincinnati, entourage, flight of the conchords!… and even big love … and rescue me is still great)
and since i know you read the blog, sir… congrats to bobby and janna on the new digs! (with any luck we can check it out soon) i’ll try and get that housewarming piece done soon…
Bill Nolan
August 1, 2007 @ 2:53 am
Are the Legion toys coming up soon at McD’s? Be sure to let us know when to start looking for them. Believe it or not, I don’t eat there regularly…
Actually, I just now Googled it, they start Friday, supposedly. But are the toys really all male characters and NO females? That might upset someone I know…
August 2, 2007 @ 1:15 am
Wicked nice piece Craig. I love the old school small head fins of Wolverine. When he started out as Weapon X and went up against the Hulk and Wendigo is when he was the best. Mysterious, homicidal…whoops sound like my ex-girlfriend…anyway, awesome job!
August 5, 2007 @ 3:32 am
Nice job on the TMBG piece. I particularly like the coloring job.
As for summer TV, I’m really enjoying burn notice. It is fast becoming one of my favorite shows.
Neil Hill
August 6, 2007 @ 2:49 pm
Glad you kept busy, Craig, while many of us were glad-suffering our way through SDCC this year. 🙂
Jason May
August 14, 2007 @ 11:21 am
Are you kidding!!!? I was stuck in San Diego and my wife and kids were at the cape! She said “They Might Be Giants” were playing at the Beachcomber, but she felt bad going without me!! LOL!!
David "Bart Allen" Tilley
August 25, 2007 @ 3:36 am
now i know why i knew you were cool, All tmbg fans are cool