hogwarts or bust!
so, only a few weeks left until the final book in the harry potter series… i’m looking forward to it.
and see, that’s a perfect segue into this latest commission…
can’t say i’m great with likenesses, but i think this one came out pretty good… at least you can figure out it’s not harry… right?
(this is another piece… 11×17 this time!… that looks MUCH better in person than in the scan)…
not too much else going on besides commissions at the moment (except todd and i are working on the baltimore ‘haps exclusive… we’ll fill ya in when sept gets closer)…
random bits…
– anybody know why the blog archives are just code gibberish? (all i do is post via blogger… beyond that, i’m lost)
– duncan fegredo’s hellboy art is just blowing me away… wow!
– still hard to believe the sox are 10+ games ahead of the yankees this close to the all-star break…
– man, i’m loving john from cincinnati (especially seeing al bundy channel andy sipowicz and al swearengen)
– passed up a chance to see trasnsformers the other night, but hope to see it on the big screen (clips look fantastic, but i fear it’s gonna be way too “michael bay” for my tastes…) and i’d love to catch ratatouille soon.
– politics as usual in washington and the headlines (amazing how much actually happens right before holiday weekends in the hopes that people don’t pay attention… sad, but nothing new)
alright, back to work!
July 3, 2007 @ 11:21 pm
You are ROCKIN’ the canson pieces lately, sir!
Michael Bay or not, I’m heading to the theatre tomorrow morning just to bypass the fanboys who will start screaming in tongue the first time Optimus Prime transforms…
BTW, Ratatouille is terrific! Definitely a movie to see on the big screen at least twice!
Bill Nolan
July 4, 2007 @ 2:20 am
Never read ’em. Nice commission, tho’.
July 4, 2007 @ 2:33 am
You already know how I feel about the Hermoine, but now that I know it’s over-sized to boot, well make that double.
As for the headlines, with apologies to Capt. Renault, “I’m shocked, shocked to learn that Bush commuted Scotter’s sentence for obstructin of justice.”
I guess W’s people decided that his approval rating can’t get any lower and it does avoid old Scotter ratting out the VP to keep his arse out of jail.
Man, W couldn’t have come up with a better symbol for his administration’s “We’re above the law” attitude if he tried.
I’ll have to get out to see Ratatouille soon. Was thinking of Transformers, so I’ll be interested to hear what you think.
July 6, 2007 @ 7:14 pm
-I don’t see anything wrong w/ your blog archives… looks fine to me…
-Fegredo is totally rockin’ hellboy!
-I don’t know what you’re talkin’ about Willis
-I saw Transformers, possibly one of the most awesome action movies ever!
– I love talkin’ politics, but then it always gets me worked up… Grrrr… burn em’ all!
Neil Hill
July 10, 2007 @ 2:35 pm
Love the commission, I agree with you completely about Duncan on Hellboy, and dude, you’re gonna love Transformers!! I’ve seen it three times already and plan a fourth trip in the next few weeks. Loovvveedd it!