just a quick psot…
got a lot to do before johnny’s birthday party this afternoon, but figured i’d post real quick…
first off, here’s the colored version of the spider-man art for the heroes progam book (i’ll have a few 8.5×11 prints for sale at the show)…definitely going for a more “illustration” feel (and would love to do more, we’ll see)…
and here’s one of the star wars 30th anniversay sketch cards i did for the upcoming topps set (and check out the rest of’m, kindly posted by keith over at at http://www.starwarssketchcards.com/ in the “star wars 30th anniversary” section… duh)… glad i didn’t poke around the site before i did my cards (looks like some folks put a LOT of time into these “sketch” cards… more like full color illustrations… wow!), i never would’ve gotten done in the time i had…
and the sox’ve won the last 2 games (man, that was a tough hit to watch in the bottom of the ninth with only one out to go in schilling’s game thursdya… tough break) and look like they’ve gotten back into hitting the ball last night (jd drew… wow!)…
i’ve got a bunch more commissions to post, so i figure i’ll get one or two in before charlotte…
June 10, 2007 @ 2:30 am
Yeah, tough to lose a no hitter with one out to go. Folks have tried to make something out of the fact that Curt shook Tek off on the slider to throw the fastball that ended up in right field, but according to Tek Curt shook him off on the slider with the batter before and that fast ball ended up as the second out 6 to 3.
As for those “sketch” cards I know what you mean. There seems to be a friendly competition amongst the folks who do them that has really turned the “sketches” into mini-masterpieces. I saw some of the ones that Adam Hughes has done and I bet they’ll be going for as much as his full convention sketches on ebay.
By the way, nice Storm Trooper, though I think he’s a little short.
June 10, 2007 @ 2:44 am
The Storm Trooper is short because it’s Luke (at least that’s my guess) 😛
June 11, 2007 @ 2:35 am
Very nice sketches Craig. You passed the assignment on the new CBS reality show…I Wanna Be A Funny Book Artist!!!!! You kept your work to sketches and they looked original. They didn’t look as finished as some of the other pieces, and that was the whole idea. Your pieces also looked as though you used referrence material, but it’s not apparent. A lot of the other artists didn’t bring enough of themselves to their pieces. The looked like the reference pieces that were used.
No Drawing Board Council for you! You passed the audition!
June 11, 2007 @ 4:00 pm
Those Star Wars cards look great. And I love the Spidey. Enjoy Johnny’s birthday party. I can’t wait to hang out with you, Todd, and Mike at Heroes.
June 15, 2007 @ 12:18 am
Very nice Spidey sir. No more Sheild. Rescue me was alright. Hope to see you next Friday.
June 20, 2007 @ 11:17 am
What’s tougher than losing a no hitter with one out to go, being sent home to have your shoulder checked out two games into a nine game road trip.
Looks like young Mr. Lester will be making his return to the big leagues a little sooner than expected.