
…one of the reasons i haven’t posted much lately is that i’ve been so busy trying to wrap up projects, i haven’t had much art to post (yeah, i could post pages, but i figure you’ll see’m soon enough)… but with finishing up both the dc licensing gig and ‘haps, getting the second trade all wrapped up, and getting underway on the next thing, i’ve found a bit of free time to get back onto commissions and sketches… so i’ll be posting those a bit more regularly for a while…

and here’s a mary marvel (by way of marylin monroe) i did the other day for our pal, bill nolan, in his amazing mary marvel themed sketch book…

im working on a slew of canson paper pieces, so check back on monday…

and i’m sure i’ll have a few things to say about sunday’s battlestar galactica… and the pats – colts game.
speaking of tv, rome is back on hbo… damn fine stuff (sad it’s only two seasons… but at least we’re getting those two)…

wow, only about a month until the new york show … looks like it’s gonna be a good show (speaking of which, i’ll be sketching, but probably not the colored paper pieces… if you were interested in getting one, drop me a line and i’ll see about getting a few done before the show – no promises – besides the few i’m already committed to bringing for folks)


what i’m listening to as i type this … fegmania! – robyn hitchcock and the egyptians