…one of the reasons i haven’t posted much lately is that i’ve been so busy trying to wrap up projects, i haven’t had much art to post (yeah, i could post pages, but i figure you’ll see’m soon enough)… but with finishing up both the dc licensing gig and ‘haps, getting the second trade all wrapped up, and getting underway on the next thing, i’ve found a bit of free time to get back onto commissions and sketches… so i’ll be posting those a bit more regularly for a while…
and here’s a mary marvel (by way of marylin monroe) i did the other day for our pal, bill nolan, in his amazing mary marvel themed sketch book…
im working on a slew of canson paper pieces, so check back on monday…
and i’m sure i’ll have a few things to say about sunday’s battlestar galactica… and the pats – colts game.
speaking of tv, rome is back on hbo… damn fine stuff (sad it’s only two seasons… but at least we’re getting those two)…
wow, only about a month until the new york show … looks like it’s gonna be a good show (speaking of which, i’ll be sketching, but probably not the colored paper pieces… if you were interested in getting one, drop me a line and i’ll see about getting a few done before the show – no promises – besides the few i’m already committed to bringing for folks)
what i’m listening to as i type this … fegmania! – robyn hitchcock and the egyptians
Bill Nolan
January 20, 2007 @ 8:29 pm
Thanks for doing this one. It looks great (got it in the mail today).
Looking foward to BSG. Not the Pats so much, because that game last weekend was horrible to watch. Hopefully things look better this weekend.
January 20, 2007 @ 8:40 pm
Beautiful Mary Marvel and putting one famous MM in the signature pose of the other famous MM was inspired.
As for the Pats vs. the Colts, I’d say that Eli’s older brother is going to have to play a lot better than he has the past two games if the Colts are to win. Joey Adai is no LT and I don’t think the Colts are going to be able to run on the Pats. As for the Pats, I think they have the passing game to keep the Colts’ run defense honest and that indoors on a fast and sure track, Laurence Maroney will break some big runs and Corey Dillon will fbe there to finish off the drives once they get in the shadow of the goal posts.
Go Pats!
January 22, 2007 @ 3:39 am
Never has a first down been needed so much and been so far out of reach.
Tough loss, but Manning came up big in the second half. The outcome, I think, would have been quite different in freezing Foxboro, but to the victor of the regular season match up go the spoils.
I would have liked to see them try to get Laurence outside on some runs, but hats off to the Colts defense. When it was 21 to 3 and the Pats got the ball in Colts territory with a chance to put a foot on their throats, the Colts defense stepped up. Also, I look back at the holding call that negated the first down for the Pats on that drive as the turning point of the game.
I’ll be rooting for Adam in the Superbowl.
Bill Nolan
January 22, 2007 @ 4:17 am
Tough game to watch, that’s for sure.
But at least Battlesstar Galactica was incredibly awesome this week. Probably my favorite episode since season one.
January 24, 2007 @ 3:46 pm
Man, that Mary Marvel is awesome! Bill, you’ve got some awesome stuff in that book!!!
Bill Nolan
January 24, 2007 @ 8:47 pm
And yet Rich’s best Mary Marvel commission ever was for someone else… 🙁