phantom stranger…

here’s another canson piece i realized i haven’t posted here…
or in my sorely neglected canson gallery on the site… with any luck, i’ll get around to that big gallery update real soon…
(and the fan art of the ‘haps site should get an update soon, too… fyi)
besides the new project i’m working on, i’m getting through a buncha commissions, so i should have plenty to post here for a while, anyway…
and speaking of posting, todd’s gonna be showing off some of the sweet pin-ups we’ve been getting in for the second trade paperback soon, so check out the perhapablog over the next few weeks (if you don’t already)…

and wow, how ’bout them pats this weekend? any other team, i’d say it was dumb luck… but come on, they’ve been doing this stuff for seasons now…

first 2 hours of 24… darn fine (albeit illogical and improbable) television!

back to work!