a quick one…
somebody made a comment the other day on my comicspace page that they enjoyed IMPULSE… and looking back, i did, too…
haven’t followed much of what happened after todd’s run but i know he’s all grown up now… which is sad, since he was such a fun character, which clearly isn’t wanted in today’s dc or marvel (at least he’s not wearing a spiked armor costume that causes him pain to get his powers to work, right? … ugh)
anywhoo, it got me to do this sketch.
oh, and issue 4 of the haps is all done. onto the next project.
here’s hoping that wasn’t the last ‘haps we do… heck, at the very least, we’ve got too many folks we wanna get pin-ups from to put in the next trade! (and wait til you see the ones we’ve got for this one!)
what i’m listening to as type this… frank black – christmass
Bill Nolan
January 11, 2007 @ 12:42 pm
Nice! You know Impulse is one of my favorites, too, of course. As was Speedball (when done by Ditko). So, basically, all I read these days are the Marvel Adventures books and DC’s cartoon tie-ins… there’s just nothing really there for me in the regular “universes.” The Penance costume completely encapsulates the general tone of both, and that doesn’t interest me at all.
I think they totally ditched everything interesting about the character after Todd’s run anyway. The book was canceled, he joined the Titans, read a lot of books at super speed to get smart and responsible, renamed himself Kid Flash, and was in the Titans. No more fun…
Anyway, thanks for making me depressed this morning… ;P
January 11, 2007 @ 5:37 pm
Ooohh… I like!
Didn’t read Impulse *didn’t read ANY DC at the time* But I did like him in Teen Titans as Kid Flash…
January 11, 2007 @ 5:58 pm
First and foremost, I’ve got every crossable body part crossed to support a third mini, if not an ongoing, for the ‘Haps. Get me a sandwich board and I’ll have my good buddy Bill standing outside the Javits Center this February – minus ten degree wind chill factor be darned – hocking those trade paperbacks. Its a great book that truely deserves the time to find its audience or for its audience to find it.
As for Penance, kudos to Marvel for trying to bring the S and M comic audience into the mainstream. Joe Q, is willing to go the extra mile to be all inclusive. That said, what do you think the reaction would be if Penance was a female character.
As for Impulse, I’m with Bill in lamenting the fact that it’s alright to have a superhero who needs to feel pain for his powers to work, but there’s no room for a fun character.
As for the pin-ups, Sean “Cheeks” Galloway is in the early lead for my favorite, but all bets are off if that legendary creator to be named later comes through.
Bill Nolan
January 11, 2007 @ 6:15 pm
I thought I only agreed to wear the sandwich board INSIDE the Javits Center…?!? That’s what I get for not reading the fine print! Plus, Brian will be the one outside if my dealer badge comes through.
January 11, 2007 @ 11:32 pm
Did you say dealer badges? You DO remember that I promised to bring you out a nice warm hot chocolate every hour on the hour don’t you Bill?
Bill Nolan
January 11, 2007 @ 11:53 pm
I only managed to obtain one dealer badge for myself. Sorry, buddy, you’re on your own this time! (Unless mine falls through like Baltimore!)
January 12, 2007 @ 1:18 am
“No Hot Chocolate for You. Two Weeks!”
Signed, The Hot Chocolate Nazi.
Say, Craig old pal old buddy, now that I’ve got a story posted on the official Perhapanauts web site, what are my chances of a ‘Haps booth badge?