a quick one…

somebody made a comment the other day on my comicspace page that they enjoyed IMPULSE… and looking back, i did, too…
haven’t followed much of what happened after todd’s run but i know he’s all grown up now… which is sad, since he was such a fun character, which clearly isn’t wanted in today’s dc or marvel (at least he’s not wearing a spiked armor costume that causes him pain to get his powers to work, right? … ugh)

anywhoo, it got me to do this sketch.

oh, and issue 4 of the haps is all done. onto the next project.

here’s hoping that wasn’t the last ‘haps we do… heck, at the very least, we’ve got too many folks we wanna get pin-ups from to put in the next trade! (and wait til you see the ones we’ve got for this one!)


what i’m listening to as type this… frank black – christmass