…forgot about this one…
not too much new stuff to post these days, been crazy busy trying to wrap up the final issue of the ‘haps second mini (hopefully not the last…) and lining up pin-ups for the second trade, doing a fun project with dc licensing (when i get the okay to post about it, i will…), and the holidays rapidly approaching doesn’t help…
but in backing up files i came across a commission i did the pencils for… with some sweet inks by my good pal, bob almond…
funny seeing “real” inks over my stuff after doing the simple dead weights for so long…
anywhoo, with tv mostly on it’s december break*, i’ve been able to hunker down and rewatch the last season of 24 on dvd (man, it’s addictive when you can watch in 2-3 hour blocks – over the top, crazy unbelievable… but damn good tv) …
* battlestar ended on a great cliffhanger for a pretty damn amazing first half of the season, and the new staff in scranton are certainly adding to the mix on the office (and making michael and dwight a bit more grounded in reality has helped)… and of course it’s just great to see scrubs again… 30 rock just keeps getting better (nice to see a show get a chance to grow and mature these days), making thursday night the best 2 hours of comedy on tv…
and wow, the pats certainly bounced back from that painful loss last week.
well, i’m sure there’s more, but i got work to do…
just signed up for the comic version of myspace over at www.comicspace.com … if you haven’t, check it out.
Bill Nolan
December 18, 2006 @ 3:20 am
I may have been down on Battlestar at the beginning of the season, but I absolutely loved the cliffhanger. I’ve been watching the original Battlestar on DVD, and I enjoyed how much this mirrored certain episodes from that series, yet at the same time making it thrilling and unique. I have no complaints about the show at this point… except for maybe the Cylon piano dirge they over and over again. That’s tedious.
– B
December 19, 2006 @ 12:45 am
Nice Nightcrawler. I’d have to agree with you, Bob is one talented inker and a very nice guy to boot.
I also have to agree with you on 30 Rock. Part of the improvement, IMHO, is that they are focusing more on Alec Baldwin and Tina Fey and treating everyone else more as the supporting cast.
Todd is giving you big props on the Issue 4 pages you’ve already sent him over on his blog, so it sounds like all the hard work is paying off.
As for the Pats, Seymour got the ball rolling with that big time interception and it was down hill for the Texans the rest of the way. Two big games down in Florida next week. The Pats need to take care of business in Jacksonville while Miami needs to get back on track against the Jets.
December 19, 2006 @ 1:36 am
It kills me that I can’t watch Scrubs or BSG stupid classes and lack of cable!!
And that’s a killer Nightcrawler, Craig!! Whoever, recieved that bad boy is lucky.
December 28, 2006 @ 2:05 am
Hey Craig,
Hope y don’t mind but here is a link to Bob’s gallery wit hthe finished colored version of the pic.
Hope ya like it.
January 8, 2007 @ 8:42 pm
Heya Craig,
I’m the guy who got that Nightcrawler commission, though I never got a chance to thank you since I went through Bob for it. I cant begin to tell you how pleased my wife and I are with it, yet sad, because it makes us long for a monthly from the two of you!
Being an active Christian who loves comic books and the energy that pencilers and inkers put into their art, it rocks having a ‘Crawler bampfing into action!!
Hopefully we could get another commission from you real soon!