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craig rousseau
draws comics

about craig

i draw comics and other things. over the last 20 plus years or so, i’ve drawn a LOT of books for several publishers… here’s the list.

what i’m “reading” these days  SKELETON CREW – stephen king

what i’m listening to these days  THE NIGHT THE ZOMBIES CAME – pixies, 1967- VACATIONS IN THE PAST –  robyn hitchcock, MOON MIRROR – nada surf,  INDOOR SAFARI – nick lowe and los straitjackets

what i’m watching/rewatching these days – skeleton crew, brooklyn nine-nine, doctor who

… blah-g.

2025 and beyond convention and signing schedule…

wicked comic con 19 april boston, ma

heroescon 20-22 june charlotte, nc

tidewater comic con 28-29 june virginia beach, va 

granite state comicon 19-21 september manchester, nh

baltimore comic con 17-19 october baltimore, md

get social

facebook @craigrousseau

instagram @craigrousseau

bluesky @craigrousseau

contact me
